Meet Sarah Van Sickle, known by many as, "Sarah the Beauty Hunter." Sarah's passion for health and fitness lead her to open a ministry known as Beauty Hunters. Beauty Hunters is geared toward redefining the way women perceive their own beauty and self-worth through physical fitness and a strong community. Sarah's passion for helping others through her active faith in God, continues to bless women all over East Tennessee.
Now a little more about Sarah. She is a firecracker with the drive and ambition the size of a mountain. When Sarah was pitched a curve ball (by means of an unexpected pregnancy), she did just what she does best, she picked herself up and kept going. She allowed God to redirect her path, His way. With unfailing determination and her ability to rely on God's direction, Sarah is evolving into the most beautiful woman of God I've ever met. Sarah's openness and candid talks on social media are serving as a real-time testimony unfolding for others to see. She is reaching thousands through her story and I am completely in awe over the work God is doing in her and through her.
Thank you Sarah, for letting me document this precious time for you!
Jul 6, 2016, 10:37:30 PM
Lynn - These pictures are breathtaking! You have an amazing talent, of course your subject is glowing!